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All Class Members have answered God’s call and,

through the guidance of The Holy Spirit, 

will achieve their full potential as active Disciples for Christ. 

As a result, we will change the world 

and continue to support each other

through the joys and hardships of life.

Nov 19, 2023

The series about Solomon's teachings concludes on an interesting turn, focusing more precisely on our relationship with God as opposed to more verses on practical ethics. 

Nov 12, 2023

Solomon’s prime guidance on how best to live, on good character and right conduct.

Nov 5, 2023

I’ve observed the task which God has given the sons of man to be concerned with: He made everything beautiful in its time; He’s also put an enigma into their minds so that man cannot comprehend what God has done from beginning to end.
Thus, I perceived there is nothing better for them to rejoice and do good in his...