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All Class Members have answered God’s call and,

through the guidance of The Holy Spirit, 

will achieve their full potential as active Disciples for Christ. 

As a result, we will change the world 

and continue to support each other

through the joys and hardships of life.

Sep 25, 2016

A class member offers  perspective on how God is calling him to embrace this time in his life.

Sep 18, 2016

Embracing Our Present Moment to the Fullest - No Matter What It Holds For Us. 

While we are in different places in our walk with the Lord, our speaker offers insight on how we can faithfully navigate our steps, aligning them with Christ.

Sep 11, 2016

Surrender to faith, not fear.

Sep 4, 2016

A physician and man of faith offers a personal dialogue that challenges us as Christians to reach outside of our comfort zone and accept and love all people.