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All Class Members have answered God’s call and,

through the guidance of The Holy Spirit, 

will achieve their full potential as active Disciples for Christ. 

As a result, we will change the world 

and continue to support each other

through the joys and hardships of life.

Apr 30, 2017

How Do We Become True 21st Century Disciples?"

Please study John 21.1-17 and ask yourself,
"What sorts of things is Jesus calling ME to do for Him?"

Apr 23, 2017

After His Resurrection, Jesus spent forty more days appearing to His disciples.  Learn what those appearances meant to the disciples and what they can teach us as well in our own quest to follow Christ.

Apr 9, 2017

Recommended reading:

Saturday, April 8, The Lord's Anointing 1 Samuel 2:1-10; Psalm 2; John 12:1-12

Sunday, April 9, The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem Psalm 118:19-29; Zechariah 9: 9-10; Matthew 21:1-17

Monday, April 10, The Savior of His People Isaiah 59; John 3:1-21; Matthew 21:24-28

Tuesday, April 11, The Son of God Isaiah...

Apr 2, 2017

Listen and learn.