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All Class Members have answered God’s call and,

through the guidance of The Holy Spirit, 

will achieve their full potential as active Disciples for Christ. 

As a result, we will change the world 

and continue to support each other

through the joys and hardships of life.

Aug 31, 2014

Join our 2014-2015 class presidents for a "fireside chat."

Aug 24, 2014

What is the nature and ministry of The Church?  A Community of Christ is part of the answer.

Aug 17, 2014

How does this relate to hospitality?  Find out from these two dynamic speakers.

Aug 10, 2014

A facilitated class discussion including personal memories of how the community of believers in The Fellowship Class have been -- and are being -- affected by movements of The Holy Spirit.

Aug 3, 2014

A panel discussion of what how the Fellowship Class has been touched by movements of The Holy Spirit.